Horse Riding
Orion College has been given a wonderful opportunity to participate in therapeutic horse riding at the Earth Centre in Ruimsig. Our only request is a contribution of R200 per term per rider in order to support the EARTH CENTRE.
Please visit this organization’s website and support where you can:
How it works:
This will take place every Thursday. We will be selecting groups of 8 children each week to participate in the horse riding. There are 2 sessions each week for 4 riders each.
Children will not ride every week. The selected children will be informed on the Monday of that week if they will be riding on the Thursday. We will transport the children there and back in the school bus.

What to wear:
Learners can wear their usual PE kit with trainers but must bring a pair of tracksuit pants along to protect their legs while on horseback and pack their school shoes.

What are the benefits:
- The horses provide a 3-dimensional walk which walk moves the rider’s pelvis up down, side to side and forward and back 1000 times every 10 min. This activates the riders Vestibular and proprioception systems and opens up the rider’s neural pathways in the brain.
- Riding addresses gross and fine motor skills, tactile skills and makes use of most of the senses.
- Working with horses also promotes self-awareness, special awareness and builds up confidence.